UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — With cold and flu season on the horizon, University Health Services (UHS) encourages students to stay current on COVID-19 and flu vaccines. Both vaccines are available by appointment at UHS.
Students are recommended to get updated vaccinations for COVID-19 and the flu, as this will provide enhanced protection against new variants. UHS will be administering the updated Moderna (Spikevax) vaccine and the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine is thimerosal-free and latex-free. Per the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), both vaccinations can be administered at the same visit.
For the first time, students who are interested in receiving a COVID-19 vaccination can also opt to do so during their flu vaccine clinic appointment. COVID-19 vaccines are in limited supply and must be scheduled in advance when reserving a flu shot appointment.
University Park students can obtain both vaccinations at the UHS flu vaccine clinics or the Student Health Center by scheduling an appointment through myUHS or by calling 814-865-4UHS (4847).
Students at Commonwealth Campus locations are encouraged to contact their on-campus health service, if applicable, to inquire about the vaccine. The vaccine is available to anyone 18 years and older.
"Getting your flu and COVID vaccines is a quick, easy way to stay well this semester,” said UHS medical director, Rebecca Simcik. “Taking a few minutes now to get your vaccines will keep illness from disrupting your Thanksgiving, final exam and winter break plans.”
Students who cannot receive a vaccine through UHS can visit a vaccine location in the community. For vaccine locations, enter your zip code on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's vaccines.gov website to find nearby providers.
Penn State strongly encourages all students to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and the flu as soon as possible and to share their vaccination status with the University.
"Vaccination is the quintessential public health initiative because it confers health benefits to both the individual and society at large. Getting vaccinated is one of the most important steps you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your community," said Dr. Bruce Kraut, UHS senior director.
Additional vaccine resources can be found on the UHS COVID-19 vaccinations webpage.